What Should You Do If You Need Papers Delivered Quickly?

If you have a very pressing legal matter to take care of and need to notify other individuals as quickly as possible, you may need to serve documents without delay. You may not want or be able to let matters take their course as usual and need to bring in some professionals to expedite without delay. What is your best course of action? Dedicated to Efficiency As you may know, many professional process servers can ensure that your documentation is delivered to witnesses, defendants or plaintiffs according to legal requirements.

First-Time Homebuyer? Why You Need to Understand the Cooling Off Period

If you're in the market to buy your first home, you need to understand the rules and regulations and the various clauses that determine how to proceed. In particular, you may be interested in what is known as a "cooling off" period and how you may be able to use that clause as you make your decision. What are the implications and what should you be aware of? Definition As the phrase implies, the cooling-off period allows you to reconsider your decision before you enter into a contract of sale.

3 Reasons Hiring a Professional Medical Malpractice Lawyer Gives You a Better Chance of Getting Justice

When you visit a doctor, you expect to get the best treatment possible to restore your health. But that is not always the case. Your doctor might make an error, leaving you with more complications than before.  According to law, medical malpractice is a civil personal injury case. That means you can pursue compensation from the health care provider. However, personal injury cases are often complex, and that's why you need to hire a medical malpractice lawyer.

Two Mistakes People Might Make When They Hire Divorce Paper Servers

Here are the common errors people tend to make when they hire divorce paper servers. They describe their ex's appearance instead of showing the server a recent photo A divorce paper server needs to have some idea of what the recipient of the papers looks like. They need to know this, not because there is any possibility of them giving the papers to the wrong person (as they will always ask the recipient to confirm their name before they hand over these documents) but because not knowing what the recipient looks like will mean it will take longer for the server to identify them and give them the papers.

Spousal Maintenance In Australia

Spousal maintenance is one of the most contentious issues during divorce and separation. Australian law awards spousal maintenance to parties that cannot sufficiently provide for themselves after a divorce or separation. Below is a guide discussing spousal maintenance in Australia.  Who Qualifies For Spousal Maintenance?  You typically qualify for spousal maintenance if you cannot meet your financial needs after separating or divorcing your spouse or de-facto partner. You can make a spousal maintenance claim based on one or several of the following circumstances: